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Nov. 13 Virtual Sit-in against the WTO
Please give your time to the movement for social justice and participate in the Electronic Civil Disobiedience
As you all may know the next round of WTO talks is to be held in Sydney, Australia on November 14 (their time), many groups have mobilized (including anti-war groups, trade unions, and many socialist groups) and are planning to consolidate the victories to our movement that occured in Seattle and Genoa and hopefully build on them by putting anti-capitalism back on the front pages of newpapers the world over.
Please give your time to the movement for social justice if you are unable to attend and visit this site and participate in the Electronic Civil Disobiedience (ECD) at
What we hope to achieve is a total halt of traffic trying to view to allow our presence to be felt on the internet as well as on the front line and at the barricade
Note- The site is not yet fully operational although it will be before the Sit-in is scheduled