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Salsa Dance Nov. 9 at the Heartland Cafe

On Saturday November 9th at 9 PM, Nicaragua Solidarity Committee will sponsor a Salsa Dance at the Heartland Cafe with Orquesta Nabori. Admission is $10-15 sliding scale in advance; $12-15 at the door. Free Salsa lessons at 9:15. 773-276-5626. The dance benefits our work protesting sweatshop working conditions in Nicaragua and around the world, opposing environmentally destructive development in Nicaragua, and raising money for material aid to Nicaraguan non-profits, where activists from the Nicaraguan revolution have continued their work supporting the poor majority.
On Saturday November 9th at 9 PM, Nicaragua Solidarity Committee will sponsor a Salsa Dance at the Heaartland Cafe with Orquesta Nabori. Admission is $10-15 sliding scale in advance; $12-15 at the door. 773 276-5626.
The dance benefits our work protesting sweatshop working conditions in Nicaragua and around the world, opposing environmentally destructive development in Nicaragua and raising money for material aid to Nicaraguan non-profits, where activists from the Nicaraguan revolution have continued their work sopporting the poor majority.



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