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BTL: Sen.Paul Wellstone Remembered as a Man of Principle and Idealism...

...Qualities Rare Among U.S. Politicians. Interview with Robert Borosage,Campaign for America's Future by Scott Harris
Sen.Paul Wellstone Remembered as a Man of Principle and Idealism, Qualities Rare Among U.S.

Politicians Interview with Robert Borosage,Campaign for America's Future by Scott Harris

For many progressive activists, Minnesota's Sen. Paul Wellstone represented the leading edge of what was possible in U.S. electoral politics. Against all odds, Wellstone, a college professor, ran a quirky, underfunded campaign against a Republican incumbent for U.S. Senate in 1990 and actually won. He triumphed over big money and traditional politics by touring Minnesota in an old green school bus; airing clever, but inexpensive TV ads and more importantly, making a strong connection with voters hungry for an honest representative who would look out for their interests in Washington.

In the closing days of a hotly contested campaign for a third term in the Senate, Wellstone, his wife, daughter, three campaign aides and two pilots were killed when their small plane crashed in rural Minnesota. The outpouring of tributes to Paul Wellstone's integrity after his passing, even from his political opponents, was affirmation that he was unique among politicians for holding onto his idealism. Wellstone was the only senator facing a tight race to cast a vote against a congressional resolution authorizing president Bush a free hand to declare war against Iraq. Defying dire warnings from pollsters predicting that his principled stand against war could jeopardize his re-election, Wellstone had pulled ahead of his GOP opponent Norm Coleman, in the days before he died.

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with veteran political organizer Robert Borosage, co-founder of the Campaign for America's Future, who talks about the qualities that set Paul Wellstone apart from most other politicians in the Democratic party. He also discusses the emerging peace movement whose organizers in major demonstrations across the country Oct. 26, frequently invoked the late senator's name -- one of the few in the halls of power who openly embraced their cause.

Contact the Campaign for America's Future by calling (202) 955-5665, or visit their Web site at
"Paul Wellstone, a Memorial" website,
"Was Paul Wellstone Murdered?" by Michael I. Niman, AlterNet, Oct. 28, 2002
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