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St. Louis O26 Antiwar Solidarity Rally A Success
As a part of the first mass rally called by the new St. Louis-based antiwar coalition, Radical Action Against War (RAAW), an estimated 200 people gathered in the Market on the Loop in University City to protest the U.S. imperialist war machine.
The rally featured a variety of speakers, pamphleteers, and networking for future actions.
Under overcast skies and in chilly temperatures, an estimated 200 people rallied in solidarity with the International ANSWER coalition-sponsored rallies in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco.
The 200 people gathered listened to ten speakers, read independently distributed literature, and networked for future activities to resist the U.S. government's headlong rush into another war with Iraq. Speakers included: Zaki Baruti, co-chair for the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression; Daniel "digger" Romano, Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senator; Percy Green, longtime Black activist; Tim Kaminski and Mike Schaefer from the Committee Against the U$ Empire; Mira Tanna, peace activist' Queen Zerina of the Universal African Peoples Organization, and Umar ben-Ivan, RAAW emcee and national spokesperson for the International Muslim Movement.
The speakers not only spoke about the impending U.S. war in Iraq but of other issues related to U.S. military and economic domination. A number of speakers drew the connection between foreign war budgets, their profittakers and domestic issues within U$ borders.
The organizers announced future actions, including the kickoff of a local Israeli divestment campaign to begin at Jalapenos restaurant at 44 North Brentwood in Clayton on November 2, at 7pm and a justice march on November 17th beginning at 10am in front of the Edward Jones Dome in downtown St. Louis