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Chicago Indymedia

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East Lansing, MI: October 26th March And Rally Vs War On Iraq

Rally and March to Stop the War on IRAQ!
Saturday October 26th
1pm Fountain Square Park in East Lansing
(in front of Marriott hotel - corner of albert and MAC, 1 block north of Grand river)
We Will Not Support Your War for Oil ! - Rally and March to Stop the War on IRAQ!

Saturday October 26th
1pm Fountain Square Park

(in front of East Lansing Marriot - corner of Albert and MACt)

Stand up for peace and justice! Only we can stop this war. Come join us in the streets to disrupt the drive to war with Iraq. Bring signs, puppets, banners, flags, drums, your voice and creative ideas. We will be marching through East Lansing and will end with a Peace Picnic in the Bailey Community Center Park (between Hillcrest and Evergreen, just North of Grand River) weather permitting.

Sponsored by: DirectAction, Students for Peace and Justice, People for Positive Social Change, Radical Queers, FEMS, ECO, and Students For Economic Justice.

for info or to cosponsor please email Direct Action at:
directaction (at)
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