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Underground News: clips & talk re early 70’s counter culture show. Howie Samulso

Tonight @ the azone, director Howie Samulson presents video clips and discussion about Underground News/TV show fm the early 70’s. A rear glimpse into a time that the US was in a mood swing from pro-Vietnam war to anti war. Includes clips and discussion about this counter cultural talk show. Thurs Oct 24, 7:pm, A-Zone 2129 N Milwaukee Ave
Underground News
Today @ A-Zone
Thurs, Oct. 24, 7:00pm

“UNDERGROUND NEWS” Film – Talk – Food:

Tonight at the azone, director Howie Samulson presents video clips and discussion about The Underground News/TV show he directed in the early 70’s. Thsis is a rear glimpse into a time that the US was in a mood swing from pro-Vietnam war to anti war. Presentation will include a few of the remaining saved clips and discussion about this counter cultural talk show. (Thurs Oct 24, 7:pm at A-Zone 2129 N Milwaukee Ave).

On the show were many now well known musical artists, activists and whistle blowers. I don’t remember all who were on, but I believe this list includes David Crosby (CSN), Abby Hoffman, Bob Dylan, David Dillinger, B Arthur, Grateful Dead, Ralph Nador, etc, etc, etc.. This was both a very fun as well a down right serious show about the many issues of the day.

One of these historically important shows was at a time during the Vietnam War was rage'ing on and this show played an ongoing critique of the war as well as played a pivotal role too. Forenstance, President Johnson was adamantly denying the reports that the US was bombing in Cambodia. The day after the pres. made this claim, off walked from a jet in Chicago, an Air Force pilot who immediately went to the studios of Underground News. He went to tell the public on the air live, that actually yes the US is in fact carpet-bombing in Cambodia and he was one of the US Air Force pilots who was doing it. With this 1st time very real and credible witness countering the presidents word, the next day, Old man pres. Johnson had to then recant his statement and then admit that, Oh, ya, I suppose we are bombing Cambodia. This was one of the more significant miles stones in a series of ongoing blunders, lies and out right murderous behavior that led to the general publics turning against the war and thus leading to it’s end. After this, the show got a lot more attention, including from some of the very unwelcome entities. There were much shady things that occurred, including, a lot of Red Squad activity, attempted assassination of those working on the show, etc. There is much more to this but I can’t do this very intriguing story proper justice.

What is not to suprising as how similar things are now as they were then…? There were a lot of messed up things then, as there still is now. So come here it directly from Howie about this little heard piece of our history…

Also shown will be some Howies more current projects from Earth Network, 1996 in the streets DNC protest footage in Chicago.

When: Thurs Oct 24, 7:pm
Location: A-Zone 2129 N Milwaukee Ave

(By L-Train, Use O’Hare Bl-Line. Western or California stops).

Autonomous Zone
azone (at)



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