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Family seeks assistance for "toxic dust" danger to their children

A friend of mine, a mother of two with a third expected, has told me about problems they're having with toxic waste STILL coming from a nearby factory CLOSED DOWN due to toxic waste problems! Their oldest daughter, 13, has developed a cyst in her throat, apparently from the "toxic dust". We are seeking experienced assistance/referrals in order to deal with this. Any help is appreciated.
Hello, I am making this announcement on behalf of a Wyoming, MI family whose oldest daughter, aged 13, has developed a throat cyst apparently due to "toxic dust" from a nearby factory closed down due to toxicity a few years ago.

Closed down, but apparently not fully safeguarded.

Unfortunately, due to high medical bills, this family of four, and a fifth on the way, does not have the money to move. I suspect that many other families of this relatively nice, working class neighborhood also are having problems...

Here is a clear case of danger to children. I admit cynicism and severe disillusionment in "the system" and cannot imagine anything being done until various media sources do some valued journalism...(having worked with toxic waste problems in another state, I've seen how hard it is to "get anywhere" on these issues...)

Still, I have contacted various authorities in the Grand Rapids, MI area (near Wyoming, MI), including mainstream press and one democrat running for Congress. If there is anyone here who knows who else I might contact, and actually get results, please email me.

We'd especially be interested in speaking with anyone who has experience with environmental difficulties in Michigan, or specifically Kent County, and ideas of how one might best proceed.

To note:
We tried posting this on the Michigan IMC but their publishing form is not working properly, and so one cannot even see the text directions...



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