The New York City IMC will start publishing photo essays in its free monthly paper.
We need your images!
The New York City Independent Media Center (IMC) is adding a new feature: a one or two page photo essay, to its monthly free paper, The Indypendent.
This photo essay should adhere to the IMC's mission (1) to create a new media ethic by providing progressive, in-depth, and accurate coverage of issues impacting individuals, communities and eco-systems. A critical part of Indymedia's mission is (2) to serve as "a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate and passionate tellings of truth".
For this feature, we would like to see photography that reflects the raw passion of independent media makers and documentarians. Work that keeps you out on the streets looking for challenging images and topics depicting the multitude of social, economic and political concerns that are relevant to our world today as well as depictions of daily life of underrepresented communities all over the world. This essay is an opportunity to share your personal vision in a story that you witnessed through the lens of your camera and touched you deeply.
Photo essays should consist of 10-15 prints exploring one global or local topic. Text and captions to contextualize the essay should be included. The monthly photo essay will be selected as well as edited by the IMC Photo Essay Collective, a volunteer and open team. The criteria for the selection will, depend on different factors, like general theme of the newspaper for that specific month, relevance at that moment of the issue explored in the photo essay, image quality, etc. Photo essays not chosen one month will be considered again candidates for the next month.
Submissions will be accepted in low-resolution jpeg files (no more than 70KB each file) to
indypendentphotoessay (at)
or working prints can be mailed to
Photo Essay
NYC Independent Media Center
34 E. 29th Street, 2nd Floor,
N.Y., N.Y. 10016.
Attention: do not send original work and if you want your submission returned please include a self-addressed pre-stamped envelope. Include your name and contact information on the back of each photo. Submissions will be accepted throughout the year.
If you have any question, please contact us at
indypendentphotoessay (at)
For more information about New York IMC, visit
For more information about IMC, visit
Thanks a lot.
NY IMC Photo Essay Team.