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Korean TV will Cover Oct. 16th McDonalds Protest

A news crew from Korea is coming to Chicago on October 16th to cover "world anti-McDonalds day." Chicago activists and FNB have organized a protest from 3-5pm at the McDonalds on the Loyola redline stop in Rogers Park for Wednesday Oct. 16th. The Korean news crew wants to interview anti-corporate activists.
The Korean news station MBC will be covering the 3-5pm McDonalds protest / FNB food serving this Wednesday October 16th at the Loyola redline stop in Rogers Park. They would like to interview people who have something to say against McDonalds. They are doing a pretty big news piece on this, and have interviewed other anti-McDonalds / anti-corporate activists already. They seem to be interested as well in documenting the American anti-corporate protest movement. Maybe folks who are going can cover different reasons to shut down McDoanlds, i.e. worker, environment, vegan, etc. They will be around all week if there are other protests - please give them info tomorrow.

If there are any other specific anti-McDonalds / anti-corporate actions (like a direct action, another protest, etc.) you can contact the Korean producer Minyoung directly at 408-324-0213 or minyoung (at) to make sure the crew is there to cover it.

At 3:54 AM -0500 10/2/02, Wild Vegan wrote:
Hi all, mike d here.

Ya, I got a call from the Korean TV station re McDonalds protest. I think this an awosemm opertunity.. I have a couple of things already planed but I'd like to here wahat othewrs would like to do...

I was not going to do much of a preplanned effort this year other than putting it in the azone calendar and doing some of the normal out reach, calls, emails, etc. Instead of making the pre planed protest DT or out in Oakbrook, we instead will join FNB whilst they serve food on the Oct 16th... they serve every wed 3 - 5pm at the Loyola redline stop in Rogers park... there is a McDeath right there under the tracks. The next day, we will again join fnb for there western Ave blue line food serve Thursday ~2:pm ish.... Again there is a McDonalds right across the street.



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