Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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What's Real And What's Not Real

Keep it simple and smart: KISS!!

And be sure to smile!!
Here’s what’s real (relevant):

- An alimighty benevolent God-creator
- His Love - freely received and shared
- His Truth - freely received and shared
- His Life - freely received and shared
- His Freedom - freely received and shared
- His Happiness - freely received and shared
- A life of service and use to others

Here’s what’s not real:

- Death
- Fear
- Falsities
- Claiming - ie. separatiing from - divine truth
- Claiming - ie. separating from - divine light
- Claiming - ie. separating from - divine love
- Blaming and shaming other things and people for having attempted to exercise the above claims which are false.



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