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Correction on a Point in Article #14176 - NION Demonstration

The war on terrorism is being used to suppress militant pro-people organizations in the Philippines. However, the Abu Sayyaf is definitely not a pro-people, pro-independence type of organization. In no way does the Leauge of Filipion
Students condone the actions of Abu Sayyaf. Details in clarification.
[due to tech problems: original post 14176 has been reposted 14763 and this comment is being re-attached to that re-posted article. ehf-chicago indymedia tech]
The war on terrorism is being used to suppress militant pro-people organizations in the Philippines that will also have affect on those organizations overseas with similar analysis. It is true that there is backlash on Filipino immigrant and migrants as a part of the overall anti immigrant and migrant sentiment developing in this country and in others. One thing that has to be made clear, though, is that the Abu Sayyaf is in no way part of the peo-people organizations for genuine freedom and democracy.
The mention of the Aby Sayyaf, a group of 80-100 armed bandits, at yesterday's rally was to take note that this small group of so-called-Al-Qaeda-linked people who are located in a very small island in the southern region of the Philippines was being used to justify the deployment of hundreds of US troops initially. And this has only grown to the thousands just this month. Until today they, the US and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, have not been able to catch any of the leaders of the Abu Sayyaf. Furthermore, the Abu Sayyaf is known for being a bandit group who kidnap people for ransom money in the Philippines. The US is claiming this is an Al-Qaeda linked group - but in no way are their actions and their demands made in the name of any religion or any god. The Abu Sayyaf has merely been used as an excuse for entry.
Again, the Abu Sayyaf is definitely not a pro-people, pro-independence type of organization. They are simply a very small group of armed bandits. To make the assumption that they are part of the progressive voice of the Filipino people is a great mistake. In no way do we condone the Abu Sayyaf.

Jennifer Asidao
League of Filipino Students, Chicago



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