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Not In Our Name Teach-In--Columbia College

Please join faculty, staff and students for and Teach-in and Speak out against the war on terrorism and war in Iraq at Columbia College.
No More War, Not in Our Name!

Please join faculty, staff and students for and Teach-in and Speak out against the war on terrorism and war in Iraq at Columbia College.

Not In Our Name

The War on Terrorism


Wed. October 16, 10am - 5pm

Columbia College Chicago

Hokin Annex, 624 South Wabash Avenue

No nation in history has ever declared war on the world. What is the war on terrorism?

Talks followed by open mic: questions -- comments * debate

Topic Speaker

10:00 Iraq: more than a million Iraqi dead, Joe Proulx,

and counting..... Voices in the Wilderness

11:30 War on Terrorism: what is behind it? Raymond Lotta, author,

America in Decline

1:30 Palestine: the end of hope? Norman Finkelstein, author,

Image and Reality of the Israel- Palestine Conflict, etc. [tentative]

3:00 War at home: detention camps and

a country full of snitches? Standish Willis, National

Conference of Black Lawyers

4:00 Not In Our Name what should we do? Open to all

Learn * Discuss ---- Debate ---- Educate yourself & others



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