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Free Fall educational series on the history of Palestine starts Wed Oct 9

Free Fall educational series on the history of Palestine starts Wednesday, October 9.
Introduction to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Location: Chicago Public Library, Lincoln Park Branch, 1150 W. Fullerton Ave.
All sessions: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:45pm FREE (article 2)
Free Fall educational series on the history of Palestine.
Introduction to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Location: Chicago Public Library, Lincoln Park Branch, 1150 W. Fullerton Ave.
All sessions: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:45pm FREE

Originated and organized by Open University of the Left
Co-sponsored by Not In My Name, Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism, Chicago Greens, and Democratic Socialists of America Chicago Chapter

Class #1 Wednesday, October 9
Palestine from Ancient Times to World War I; the Ottoman Empire in Decline; and the Rise of Zionism & Arab Nationalism

Class #2 Wednesday, October 23
The British Mandate administration; the Yishuv; the 1936-39 Arab Revolt; the Rise of European Fascism and the Coming of World War II

Class #3 Wednesday, November 6
The Post-World War II Jewish Revolt; the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan; the 1948 Palestine War; the Role of the United States and the Great Powers

Class #4 Wednesday, November 20
Israel & the Palestinians from 1949-1967

Class #5 Wednesday, December 4
The 1967 War; the Rise of the Palestine Liberation Organization; the 1982 Lebanon War; and the Israeli Occupation to 1987

Class #6 Wednesday, December 18
The First Intifada; the Oslo "Peace Process"; the Second Intifada; and Concluding Observations

Reading books on the subject is encouraged but not required. Some recommended main texts for the course as a whole:

Baylis Thomas, "How Israel Was Won"
Benny Morris, "Righteous Victims"
Mark Tessler, "A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
Nathan Weinstock, "Zionism: False Messiah"
Fred Khouri, "The Arab-Israeli Dilemma"
Sami Hadawi, "Bitter Harvest"
David Hirst, "The Gun & the Olive Branch"
Punyapriya Dasgupta, "Cheated by the World: the Palestinian Experience"

For more information, call the Open University of the Left at 773-244-1480.



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