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Rally Against War in Iraq - Wednesday NOON

Rally Against the Impending Invasion of Iraq
Wednesday Noon - Federal Plaza - Jackson Blue Line
Rally Against the Impending Invasion of Iraq
Wednesday Noon - Federal Plaza - Jackson Blue Line
Guests/Speakers Include:

Reverend Jesse L. Jackson
Rabbi Herman Schaalman
Reverend Paul Rutgers
Juan Andrade
Adele Simmons
Aaron Freeman
Former State Senator Jesus Garcia
State Representative Julie Hamos
State Senator Barak Obama
Sima and Peter Cunningham (music)
Ruby Harris (music)

We are Chicago area residents who feel the urgency to raise our voices and take action agains the growing danger of war with Iraq. We come from all walks of life and many political perspectives, but we are united on the belief that the Bush administration is pursuing a reckless, lawless and dangerous policy that is against the best interests of our country and the world. Threat posed by the Hussein regime to the region can be contained and thwarted by other means.



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