Local Anti-War Websites:
Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism
| 8th Day Center for Justice
| Chicago Area Anti-Bashing Network
| Evanston Neighbors for Peace
| Illinois Peace Action
| Prairie Fire Organizing Committee
National and Global Anti-War Links:
International ANSWER Coalition
| American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
| Voices in the Wilderness
| Iraq Action Coalition
| National Network to End The War Against Iraq
| Iraq Peace Pledge
| United for Peace
| National Peace Action
| Not in Our Name
| Iraq Crisis Anti-War Homepage
| Veterans for Peace
| Global Movement to End the War Against Iraq
Educational and Informational Resources:
Middle East Research and Information Project
| Education for Peace in Iraq Center
| Iraq Resource Information Site
| International Action Center
| Z Net Iraq Watch
Progressive Media Web Portals:
Global Independent Media Center
| Common Dreams News Center
| Jay's Leftist and Progressive Internet Resources Directory
| ZNN Alternative News Network
| New York Transfer News
| Inter Press Service
| WorldWire: News on Global Issues
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