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SPFPA.....America's Union for Security Officers

Since 9/11 Security Officers from around the Country are Joining SPFPA .....America's Union for Secerity Police and Fire Protection Officers
If you really want to be a victim, there are plenty of people out there who'll be glad to take advantage of you. The Security Police and Fire Professionals of America ( SPFPA ) was formed to prevent this from happening to its members. Since 9/11 Homeland Security has become the number 1 priority facing America today.

Jobs openings for security officers is at a all time high. While the wages and benefits paid to non - Union Security Police officers, is at a low time low. That is why many security officers are calling SPFPA to form a UNION at there location. It is your protection - the barrier created by you and your co-workers to protect yourselves against unfair or illegal treatment by your employer.

You can tell yourself that you're a strong and independent person who knows his own mind and can speak for himself. If that is the case, the SPFPA welcomes you aboard. Because in choosing the SPFPA you are showing your strength, your independence and your ability to think and act for yourself.

The SPFPA is a strong independent UNION that needs your help in helping yourself. It is America's largest security police officers union, dominant in the security field because it believes in better pay, better benefits, better working conditions, job security and dignity and respect for its members. Although an independent Union by operation of law under 9 (b) (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, the SPFPA is a member of the family of labor and enjoys the respect and cooperation of the entire labor movement. We stand shoulder to shoulder with all Unions in securing economic justice and job security for all workers.

If you are in the security field, the SPFPA will help you form and organize your own SPFPA local UNION, negotiate a fair contract, help in arbitrating your grievances and lend legal aid and experts to protect your rights.

Presently the International Union, Security Police and Fire Professionals of America ( SPFPA ) and its more than 200 local Unions throughout the United States and Canada are legally authorized collective bargaining agents for over 25,000 security professionals. To address your specialized needs in each security industry, the SPFPA includes representation in the following divisions and areas :

Airport Security
Department of Defense / NASA / Aerospace
Govermental Buildings
Department of Energy
Nuclear Facilities
Correctional Facilities
Court Officer Facilities
Casinos and Hotels
Hospitals and Nursing homes
Currency and Security Handlers
Commercial Arts/ Entertainment / Sport Complexes
Campus Security Police at Colleges
Ports and Docks
Industrial and Commercial buildings
and many more ...........

Remember, the right to organize is protected by law and management will proberly try to stop YOU from gaining Power and a Voice. But like the millions of Unionized workers you to must stand up and be heard ! UNION YES - JOIN SPFPA TODAY !

For More Information Visit Our Web Site
SPFPA.ORG or call us at 1-800-2287492



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