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Deadly corruption in Schaumburg
High level criminal conspiricy involving .......... Armed kidnaping,/deviate sexual assault,Rape and Murder.
From 10/83 to 4/85 I was blatantly railroaded,framed by over zealous vetern police officers from Schaumburg in connection to a string of sex Murders in the suburbs from
the 1970,s.
i pulled 5 mos. hard time in the Cook County Jail and nearly got sentenced to 60 yrs. in a max prison on what turned out to be a very cruel "Hoax" by the Schaumburg Police.
I cleared myself in a criminal trial and basically carried the ball myself. [free lawyer]
2 mos. later [mid-June 85] by an act of God,Miraculously
I solved my own case by meeting the killer in a Howard Johnson,s coffe shop less than a mile from home [Lagrange
His name is "Allan" he is a "CRUDD BALL" a woman hater and a "DEAD RINGER" for the composite drawing made by the lady who was abducted and sexually assaulted at knife
point from a Schaumburg parking lot [7/18/83]
I was stunned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 wks,. later I bet this creep raqped and knifed to death a little Glen ellyn Ill. girl [ 7/85 ] unsolved homocide
This ongoing true story is incredible and spans 20 yrs.
Willis Earl wilson former U S M C