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Countdown to WAR on Iraq: Why We Must Oppose It

Communities protesting and organizing against the threat of heightened war against Iraq:
7 pm sharp, Friday, Sept. 13
Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Ave, 2nd floor (corner of Congress & Michigan), Chicago (article 2)
The United States is poised to launch another war against Iraq. The last one killed more than 100,000 people, and hundreds of thousands more continue to be killed by preventable diseases brought on by U.S.-imposed sanctions following that war.

With the United States spending more than the next 16 largest military powers combined, social programs are being slashed at home so that “our” corporations can use American military power to grab more of the world’s wealth. People from ALL communities should be appalled at these injustices.

Join prominent community leaders to protest the threat of another war:

Dr. Jose Lopez, Puerto Rican Cultural Center
Emma Lozano, Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Jean Lionel-Baptiste, leading reparations activist
Rev. Dan Dale, participant in recent solidarity delegation to the Philippines
Mahmud Ahmad, new Chicago Chapter Executive Director, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

An organizing meeting will take place at 12 noon the following Sunday, Sept. 15th, at the same location – Roosevelt University, 430 S. Michigan Ave., 2nd floor. By “el,” take the Red or Blue lines to Jackson, walk a few blocks east to Michigan, then a few blocks south to the address.

Sponsored by the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism. For more information, call 312.458.9559 or e-mail CABNstopthehate (at)



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