Three new posters -- "War on Terrorism/Drugs," "When Will It End?" and "Bush: For Terrorism" have been released for immediate distribution in the days leading up to the 9/11 anniversary. Available online, but you can also write for free copies sent via mail, too.
Three New Posters Created for Sept. 11 Anniversary
Alternative Media
When Will It End?
War on Terrorism/Drugs
Bush: For Terrorism
The posters can be downloaded here ( / click on the "three new posters" link in the "news/culture offensive" section). You can also write to CrimethInc. Far East, PO Box 1963, Olympia WA 98507-1963 to obtain print copies of the posters. Please send some stamps and/or cash if possible to cover costs, but even if you can't they will still send you the posters for free.
These posters are part of a national wheatpasting campaign to hammer home the point that dissent and defiance are everywhere the television cameras arent pointing. Text of the flyers is reproduced below:
Bush: For Terrorism By the end of December 2001, civilian casualties in Afghanistan far exceeded casualties in Manhattan on September 11 [BBC News, January 3, 2002], while Osama bin Laden remained at largeas he still does. One can be sure that every relative, friend, and neighbor of the Afghan innocent dead is now more sympathetic to the terrorists, rather than less. You know where terrorists come from, don't you? They are the orphaned children who grow up where the last generation's bombs fell. Terrorism is the small-town startup company, war the multinational franchise that puts it out of businessbut depends on others coming along to keep the market fresh and maintain the illusion of competition.
When Will It End? One year ago, 2,998 lives were taken by extremists with no regard for human life or liberty. And in the months since, we survivors have seen our lives taken too, piece by piece. A nation of millions, held hostage by terrorists! We look on in horror as they send anthrax through our mail, tap our phones, fill our airports with armed gunmen, spread invisible webs of informers throughout our ranks. No one knows where it will stop. The War on Terrorism is turning out to be as effective as the War on Drugs: it may not do much against terrorism, but it sure does a lot for war. And you know where terrorists come from, dont you? They are the orphaned children who grow up where the last generations bombs fell. Terrorism is the small-town startup company, war the multinational franchise that puts it out of businessbut depends on others coming along to keep the market fresh and maintain the illusion of competition. Either youre with us, or youre against us. So speak both the terrorists and the ministers of war. They need each other, rely on each other to complete the protection racket; thats why the C.I.A. funds and trains and provokes the terrorists, and the terrorists aim for us, not the government whose haphazard bombings and self-serving policies maintain their bases of support. Without each other, neither would have a way to justify their existence. But as the initial wave of hysteria wears off, many of us are questioning whether we are with them. How many of us voted for our current commander-in-chiefnot many, with millions in prison unable to participate, millions more abstaining, and the other candidates receiving a majority of the votes counted! If we set out to address the tragedies of this world ourselves, employing compassion and engagement instead of bombs, where would the support come from to keep the terrorists armed and housed? Taking matters into our own hands, we could put the warlords and terrorists out of business at once, and save all our lives in the processsomething no amount of force can do for us.
War on Terrorism/Drugs The War on Terrorism it may not do much against terrorism, but it sure does a lot for War. "I cant wait until this War on Terrorism is over and theres no more terrorism!" "Right! Remember how we had that War on Drugs, and now you cant buy drugs anymore?"