Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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Solidarity with Palestine

Al-Awda-Chicago, a chapter of the international Palestine Right to Return Coalition, will be hosting a national rally for the Right of
Return on September 29, 2002 in Chicago, Illinois.
Al-Awda-Chicago, a chapter of the international Palestine Right to Return Coalition, will be hosting a national rally for the Right of
Return on September 29, 2002 in Chicago, Illinois. This will be a day-long mobilization to commemorate the start of the Al-Aqsa
Intifada (uprising) on September 29th, 2000, and to demonstrate our solidarity with the Palestinian people's inalienable human-right to
return to all of Palestine, from which they were, and continue to be, forcibly expelled by colonial Israel and its allies.

Please provide more information on this. The post was lifted from the calendar.



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