Come to a forum next week on:
Why does Bush want a WAR with IRAQ?
7pm Thurs., Sept. 5
GEORGE W. BUSH seems to have his mind set on war with Iraq. No consideration has been given to the thousands of Iraqi lives that would be lost in an invasion. Or the billions of dollars needed to pay for such a warbillions that otherwise could go to help the unemployed, fund health care and our schools. So what's really behind Bush's plan to unleash a new slaughter in Iraq? And how can we stop it?
7pm Thurs.,Sept. 5
Loyola Park Fieldhouse (Greenleaf & Sheridan Streets) in Rogers Park. One block east and two blocks north of the Morse Red Line El stop.
Forum sponsored by the Rogers Park branch of the International Socialist Organization, the publisher of Socialist Worker newspaper. For more information about the ISO, our politics and activity, please call 312-458-9920 or e-mail
RPsocialists (at)
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And the website of Socialist Worker newspaper at
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