Dear friend,
As you know, this Wednesday, in every state, MoveOn members will meet
with their Senators (or their staff) and express their deep concern
about the Bush White House's rush to war with Iraq. In each meeting, the
members will deliver a copy of the signatures on our "No War on Iraq"
petition from their state.
Please ask your friends and colleagues to sign the petition at:
Our goal is to reach 100,000 nationally. Country-wide, we're already three quarters of the way there -- but we need your help to put us over the top.
The more signers our local delegations represent, the more likely it is
that our national leaders will take their concerns seriously.
Please take a moment to pass the message below along to folks who share
your concern about a war on Iraq and want to hear from you on this.
Time is running out, but with your help we can reach our goals and send
a powerful message to the Senate.
--Wes, Joan, Carrie, Peter, Eli, and Randall
August 26th, 2002
P.S. I've included a copy of our original outreach below.
Dear friend of MoveOn,
The Bush White House is aggressively promoting war on Iraq, against
the advice of its diplomats, and without strong support from Congress,
the American public, or our allies.
Today we are launching a petition to oppose a war that would likely
undermine both national and world security. Let?s show our
representatives that they have strong public support to stop this war.
If you sign today, your comments will be hand-delivered to your
Senators as part of a national day of action next week. We're
organizing constituent meetings with Senate offices everywhere.
Sign the petition at:
It's important that we speak out against a war in which many of our
young people, and likely many more innocent Iraqis, would die.
Even top Republican leaders are publicly questioning a war:
Brent Scowcroft, the former National Security Advisor, says a U.S.
invasion of Iraq "could turn the whole region into a cauldron and,
thus, destroy the war on terrorism." He also says "there is scant
evidence to tie Saddam to terrorist organizations, and even less to
the Sept. 11 attacks."
Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) says the CIA has "absolutely no evidence"
that Iraq possesses or will soon possess nuclear weapons.
Henry Kissinger says, "The notion of justified pre-emption runs
counter to modern international law, which sanctions the use of force
in self-defense only against actual -- not potential -- threats."
Kissinger also says, "American military intervention in Iraq would be
supported only grudgingly, if at all, by most European allies."
Dick Armey, the House Majority Leader (R-TX-26), says, "I don't believe
that America will justifiably make an unprovoked attack on another
nation. It would not be consistent with what we have been as a nation
or what we should be as a nation."
We've got to speak out too. Do your part at: Thank you.
- Wes, Joan, Carrie, Peter, Eli, and Randall
August 21st, 2002
P.S. See our website for how you can participate in our day of action,
and for helpful articles on widespread opposition to the war.
You can help decide the direction of by
participating in the discussion forum at: