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Mayor Daley and Schaumburg coverup Rape and murder of Glen Ellyn girl
For nearly 2 decades the Schaumburg Police and Richard Daley conspire to conceal ...... false imprisonment and a
series of unsolved sexual assaults and Murders
The detective division to internal affairs to the high command of the Schaumburg Ill. Police Dept. is corrupy and has been for 19 yrs.
From 10/83 to 4/85 over zealous police officers blatantly
railroaded, framed me in connection to a string of sex
Murders in the suburbs, probably from the 1970,s.
I,d wager my life, to avoid embarassment,politics,etc.
Richard Daley and the Schaumburg Police allowed a Crudd Ball named " Allan " to brutally Rape and knife to death
a little Glen Ellyn girl. [1985 unsolved Homocide]
I did 1 night in the Dupage Co. Jail in connection to her Murder, but have long since cleared,ruled out,eliminated
myself with forensic evidence [ D N A ]
For most people my 2 yr. ordeal with the Schaumburg Police
was Puke, PEE, and Shit your pants high caliber Terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This ongoing true story spans 20 yrs.
Willis Earl Wilson former U S M C