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Aug 12-14 Circus Xtravaganza !!!

flying circus comes to the twin cities
This summer, six traveling circuses, from the six corners of the continental United States, will roam the nation, leaving chaos, merriment, and subversive skills in their wake.

Loosely organized by the secret network of CrimethInc. agents that pervades this troubled and dying empire, these circuses will put on planned and unplanned performances, host fire circles and savage dances, teach workshops on everything from making colossal inflatables to sabotaging electrical power, and engage in direct action interventions to monkeywrench the gears of expectation, complacency, and malaise. This is an opportunity for anarchists to leave their ghetto and try out different tools, for the "traveler kid" subculture to engage in a relationship of give as well as take with the towns we pass through, for activists to extend the skills we?ve learned over the past few years of resistance to new groups of people, for girl and boy scouts in small town America to learn how to cover their own streets with wheatpasted posters.

As escapees from stifling societies have since time immemorable, you too can run away and join the circus.

Three days in Minneapolis, MN: a performance at a punk show on the 12th, followed by a performance at the Arise! Bookstore on the 13th, followed by a day of activities in public spaces on the 14th.

The CrimethInc Circus will be minneapolis for 3 days: Aug 12-14th. 12th will start with a show at the House of Knifes (near the U of M campus) @ approx 6pm. Music, 3 bands(the may theory, the killing bottle, and bodies lay broken) and Circus.

13th will be more stuff at the Arise! Bookstore on Lyndale in Uptown as well as stuff around the city.

14th CrimethInc is planning to make a visit to the Mall of A... with a Circus in the Parking lot!

As far as I know from them the events are all day long with no set times, with the exception of the 12th, since they will be just arriving from the road. There will be workshops taking place, DIY stuff and much more. Donations at all events are encouraged, to help pay for gas, and the pleasure and fun of CrimethInc is FREE!

For info or to help contact: Satori collective satoricollective (at)



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