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Clinton Would Die For Israel

Under the watch of more than 20 male and female security officers, Clinton drew applause for his own commitment to Israel when he stated that should the Iraqis ever cross over the Israeli border for aggression, "I would personally get in a ditch, grab a rifle, and fight and die."

He didn't say if any female security officers would have to join him in his foxhole.
Clinton flies in with a peace plan

By Ellie Tesher

Toronto Star
July 30, 2002

The best solution to the Middle East conflict is an interim
settlement "to establish a Palestinian state now," former U.S. president Bill Clinton says.

But Clinton also stressed that the creation of such a state must be preceded by security assurances for Israel and a timetable to resolve other issues.

Clinton delivered that message last night to an audience at a sold-out Toronto Hadassah-WIZO children's charity fundraising dinner.

"The daily lives of Palestinians and Israelis are bound up
together," he told the crowd of 350 supporters at a Markham home. "There can be no military solution to this (conflict) and no terrorist solution."

Guests dished out $1,000 each to break bread with the ex-president at the soirée hosted by Thornhill businessman Allan Fenwick and his wife Susan, a board member at the Baycrest Centre.

Clinton — under the watch of more than 20 male and female security officers -- chatted with guests and signed autographs before launching into his speech. He tried but failed to make resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict the legacy of his two-term presidency. He disagreed with President George Bush's belief that
this can only be achieved when Palestinian chairman Yasser Arafat is gone from power.

Nevertheless, he said it was important America remained involved because "Israelis believe that America is the only big country that cares if they live or die."

Clinton drew applause for his own commitment to Israel when he stated that should the Iraqis ever cross over the Israeli border for aggression, "I would personally get in a ditch, grab a rifle, and fight and die."

Clinton said Palestinian chairman Arafat had made "a disastrous mistake" turning down the peace offers of December, 2000 and January, 2001 at Taba, Egypt — peace proposals that included control of 97 per cent of the West Bank. He assured the audience, however, that "there is reason for hope. ...I think there will be resolved on
the terms the Palestinians walked away from," which he added that Arafat now had recently said he was ready to accept.

Promoting the current theme of his recent speeches, Clinton spoke of global integration beyond interdependence as it applies to all the world's conflicts, including the Middle East. "If people care about their kids at all, they have to opt for a shared future, an inclusive community not an exclusive community."

An unnamed benefactor of the charity covered Clinton's speaking fees yesterday, which were undisclosed. Last year, it was reported he was asking $125,000 (U.S,) plus expenses for speaking engagements,provided money raised by host charities would be donated to children's causes.



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