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Anarchists vs. Police chiefs soccer Mpls oct 5-9

10,000-20,000 police chief, weapons exhibitors and others will descend on minneapolis oct.5-9.

Join us in the Streets Oct 5-9 to challenge the global police state. The Annual IACP Conference is the largest annual “working meeting” of the leaders/administrators of law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Join us in the Streets Oct 5-9 to challenge the global police state. The International Association of Chiefs of Police is a 109 year-old organization made up of the leaders/administrators of police organizations around the world. The IACP works to share information, training, and networking amongst law enforcement organizations. The IACP currently supports George W. Bush’s Homeland Security measures.
The Annual IACP Conference is the largest annual “working meeting” of the leaders/administrators of law enforcement agencies worldwide.

At this year’s conference there is already a workshop scheduled to discuss intelligence sharing amongst law enforcement agencies (including across borders), a weapons demonstration is scheduled, and US Attorney General John Ashcroft is expected to continue the annual tradition of the Attorney General’s presence at this event.

In a quickly changing world, we have a chance this summer to revisit the police-state in Minneapolis—we want to make October 5-9th a productive, all-inclusive, and meaningful week of resistance.

With the leaders of the police under one roof, they plan on implementing more police intrusions on our rights and freedoms through sharing lists of “dissidents”/activists and continuing support for the Men and Women worldwide who enforce the rules of governments and corporations.

Police Espionage’, Police Brutality, Prison Industry, Human Rights, Civil Liberties, the War on Drugs, the War on the Poor, the Overall Conduct of Law Enforcement Worldwide and in your home town….we have many issues to address and now we will have the Police’s leaders in one city for 5 days.

Resisters and protesters from diverse perspectives are welcome to come to Minneapolis this October and help us form a diverse resistance to the International Police State.

There is already talk about many potential events (just to give you an idea): a candlelight vigil & silent march for victims of police brutality, workshops of our own (including security, knowing your rights, & skillsharing), a special critical mass bike ride, a challenge to play the Police Chiefs in a soccer match, a pie-throwing contest, press-conferences on various days to highlight various issues, guest musicians and speakers, protests, etc...

Friday oct 5- Stolen Lives Night march for victims of police brutality around the world. Start at dusk at Loring Park

Saturday Oct 6- Resist the Police State @ Minneapolis Convention Center

Visit the iacp at
visit the minneapolis conference website at
and at .

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