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Baldemar Velasquez on next Labor Beat

Baldemar Velasquez, leader of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, talks and sings
Labor Beat presents Bademar Velasquez, leader of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, talking about his union work, and singing. This is the second segment of a two-segment show.

Show also presents "An Evening with Carlos Cortez", as the first segment. Carlos Cortez, legendary anarchist poet and artist and defender of the working class, at the May 24, 2002 Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum in an evening in his honor. Also interviews with friends of Carlos.

Chicago CAN-TV
Channel 19 cable
Thursday, July 25, 9:30 pm
Friday, July 26, 4:30 pm
Thursday, August 1, 9:30 pm
Friday, August 2, 4:30 pm

This show can be purchased for $20 by sending a check to:
Labor Beat
37 S. Ashland
Chicago, IL 60607

Labor Beat is Chicago's Rank-and-file Forum.

Labor Beat is affiliated with the IBEW 1220. Views expressed are those of Labor Beat, not necessarily of IBEW 1220.



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