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Chicago Indymedia

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Puke, Pee and Sh_t your pants high caliber terror !!!

A " Specially Designed " police lineup false eyewitness I.D. wrongful imprisonment,kidnaping,Deviate sexual assault, Rape and Murder spanning 20 yrs.

Most people aren,t wise to police and military tactics.
A police and military uniform, badge, 38 spec. 9 mm. auto.
.357 and .44 magnum are very powerful enticements,coearsion

Around Halloween 1983 I was forced into a police lineup in
Schaumburg Illinois in relation to a series of sex murders.
I had no idea of what was going on and should have asked
for a lawyer. Most of the time people who "lawyer Up" are
either scared or guilty. [ I was neither ]

During the 10 man or boy lineup, the Schaumburg Police were plea bargaining me, by showing agression while wearing their badge and weapon.
The police forced me to pull out my false teeth [ caked
with an egg McMuffin ] to coearse a lady in to an eyewitness I. D.

The lady screamed and I was placed under a $300,000.00
and charged with 5 felonies [2 class X] With in 3 hours the Schaumburg police knew they had the wrong man by the finger prints all over the lady,s. car.

I languished in the Cook County Jail [little Vietnam] until early spring of the folling year [march 1984]

This incredible true story is real life :

" The ShawShank Redemption "

Willis Earl Wilson former U S M C



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