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“Come ‘Reign’ or Shine, TOONS rule the Day.”

This is your oppor-TOON-ity to meet ADRIENNE SIOUX KOOPERSMITH, Founder/Creator/Curator of CARTOONISTS AGAINST CRIME ©91 and CARTOONISTS AGAINST TERRORISM ©01 at The Peace Museum Park (anchored at 100 North Central Park Avenue in Chicago) on Saturday, July 27TH.
KOOPERSMITH will be autographing Original Artwork derived from her thought-provoking Speech: “Why Not Peace?” ©02 that she will be reciting at CAT’s Official Kick-Off Event held on Saturday, July 27TH from 12-4 PM at The Peace Museum.

“Why Not Peace?” ©02 will also be presented on Wednesday, September 11TH during the Opening Ceremony of the CAT Exhibition, where a diverse Collection of Comic Art, Illustrations, Graphic and Guerrilla Art from across the globe will be displayed from September 11TH – December 31ST, 2002 again at the world-renown Peace Museum.

This exhiBYTion was an instinctive gut reaction executed by
ASK as a subsidiary of her popular CARTOONISTS AGAINST CRIME
©91 Crusade and Showcases, after America’s heinous and unthinkable Terrorist Attacks in September of 2001. For the most part, it was accomplished via word-of-mouse, therefore, the term: exhi-BYT-ion is used here in this context.

KOOPERSMITH refers to this special and timely Display as:

“Tuning Into Peace by Tooning Out Terrorism ®.”


“The Most Noble Comic Art Exhibition of the Modern Era”

and is a must-see for all concerned with the furtherance of Life, Truth and Justice for Humanity and all Creatures alike as well as Art Patrons, Admirers and Collectors.

CAT’s Motto is:

“United, We draw the Line against Terrorism.” ©01

During the 4-month period the CAT Exhibition is unfolded, ASK will be making four (4) other guest appearances to personally describe the interactive Nature of Comic Art to the individuals visiting The Peace Museum and to unveil the latest Toons that will be arriving during that time period.
Those Dates are:

-- Wednesday, September 11TH - Opening Debut
-- Friday, October 11TH
-- Monday, November 11TH
-- Wednesday, December 11TH
-- Monday, December 30TH - Closing Party

Workshops with popular, participating CAT Cartoonists who will be visiting Chicago will also be scheduled during the course of the Fall-Winter, 2002 Exposition. A roster of who will be instructing these educational programs will be available after September 15TH by phoning CAT Headquarters or via The Peace Museum’s website.

After 2002, the CAT Exhibition will begin its travels around
the world.

To learn more about the exciting Events The Peace Museum offer, check out:

or contact Rebecca Williams, Director at: 773-638-6450 or rebeccaw (at)

To explore more of the A&P: Activities & Programs the Chicago Park Districts offer, log on to:

or phone: 312-742-PLAY

To learn more about CARTOONISTS AGAINST CRIME ©91 and/or CARTOONISTS AGAINST TERRORISM ©01 and/or to book a Public Reading of “Why Not Peace?” ©02 at your Company, Organization or Social Club, contact:

Klancy Perkins
Assistant to: Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith
773-743-5341 – Studio Line
adrienne (at)



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