Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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Police Corruption and Murder in Schaumburg

18 yrs. of police coverup of false imporisonment,kidnaping,
Rape and Murder in the suburbs of Chicago.

The detective division to internal affairs to the high command of the Schaumburg Police Dept. is dirty and has been for 18 yrs.

The Schaumburg Police and others [Richard Daley included]
are involved in a criminal coverup ......... false arrest
and imprisonment [me] lying to a grand jury,armed kidnaping
Deviate sexual assault,Rape and Murder since the 1970,s.

High level criminal coverup in the 7/85 unsolved brutal
Rape and Homocide of a little Glen Ellyn Ill. girl.

I,ve been after the Schaumburg Police for 16 yrs.

" Sue the Bastards Blind "



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