Yesterday, I spent my 4th of July afternoon with my
brother-in-law, Stanley Karczynski, president and
business manager of Sheet Metal Workers' Local 73 Chicago.
Next year, in 2003, elections will be held in our union.
While over the past year there have been concerns that
I was involved with Donald C. Perry, head of the opposition
party, Sheet Metal Workers' for a Democratic Union, ,
and might even be running on his ticket, those concerns
last night were completely eliminated and resolved.
I explained to Mr. Karczynski, that I have been busy
putting together my own campaign ticket, to run against
Donald C. Perry for the local union position of president
and general business manager.
By running as a third party candidate, I will offer
the membership an alternative to the opposition party's
questionable tactics.
Mr. Karczynski voiced no objection, but rather was quite
helpful in offering ideas, suggestions, tips, and pointers
on developing my campaign ticket.
The entire membership already knows the Karczynsli/Burek
Team's platform and position on issues, and therefore
it will be unnecessary to involve them in my first strategy.
In a few weeks, our union will be having their annual summer
picnic. i plan on doing a flyer distribution at the picnic
personally challenging the leader of the opposition party,
Donald C. Perry, to a public debate later this fall.
I would like the debate to be aired on WZRD radio in Chicago,
with a special invitation to LaborBeat to tape the event
to possibly be aired on public access cable television, CAN-TV.
The event could also be streamed to the internet.
I was on the debate team at Carl Sandburg H.S. in Orland Park, IL,
and also participated in a public debate against Jane Fonda and
Richard Holden over nuclear energy, and against former
gubernatorial candidate Adlai Stevenson Jr. over the
legalization of marijuana when I was in college at UIC
in the early 80's.
Let's just see if Donald C. Perry, who has a PhD, would like
to come out an play !
In Solidarity,
KOLB 2003
LaborGroups, Defenders of the Faith
Labor Activist SlideShows & ScreenSavers