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Jun 28, Fri. 8 pm LIPA presents "Orchestra Roma" Gypsy style ensemble

LIPA (Links for International Promotion of the Arts) invites you for an evening with the "Orchestra Roma" Gypsy style ensemble, Friday, June 28, 2002 at 8:00 pm. Admission: $10 at the door.

LIPA Gallery, 160 East Illinois St., Chicago, IL 60611
(1/2 block east of Michigan Avenue and 1 block south of Grand)
LIPA (Links for International Promotion of the Arts)invites you to an evening with the "Orchestra Roma" Gypsy style ensemble

Friday, June 28, 2002 at 8:00 pm

LIPA Gallery, 160 East Illinois Street, Chicago, IL 60611
(1/2 block east of Michigan Avenue and 1 block south of Grand)

"Orchestra Roma" is a Gypsy (Cigan) style ensemble that plays a vast repertoire of Central and Eastern European music on Tamburica instruments. The ensemble's instruments are "brac," "kontra," "berde" (bass), guitar, cello, conga drums, and a variety of percussions. The group members have played extensively throughout the United States and Europe and are the only group in Chicago currently playing this unique and expressive style of music.

Come early and view LIPA's exhibit "Memento Mori."

"Lipa" is the slavic word for "linden tree," the traditional gathering place for important events and celebrations, a place for harmony and togetherness. The non-profit gallery LIPA was created in Washington, DC, in 1997, to publicly present socially aware art and discourse. Exhibitions and programs draw works primarily but not exclusively, from Central and Eastern European countries.

Admission: $10 at the door

For more information, please contact Vesna Rebernak at LIPA at 312-329-0812.



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