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Chicago Indymedia

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Get Democracy Now! on your access TV station

Democracy Now! can now be broadcast as a TV or radio show. Currently it doesn't air anywhere in Chicago. Help get this vital show on the air!

Activists, Organizers, and Concerned Citizens,
Imagine a nationally syndicated, independent, daily television news program, competing with the corporate media, winning over the cynical and ill-informed American public, turning the political tide…


Right nowthere is an opportunity to bring the remarkable reporting of Democracy Now! to communities which have previously never had access to the kind of information provided by this groundbreaking show. Featuring reports from an international network of independent journalists, as well as in-depth interviews with renowned scholars, artists and social critics such as Noam Chomsky, Cornell West, Arundhati Roy, Michael Moore, Alice Walker, Michael Frenti and Howard Zinn, Democracy Now! is a vital and distinct voice on the media landscape. For an indication of what kind of program Democracy Now! is, go to the website at

Democracy Now! is aired as a television show daily via satellite on Free Speech TV (channel 9415 on the Dish Network), and can be downlinked and re-broadcast anywhere in the country at an extraordinarily low cost. In fact, for those stations which will commit to regularly broadcasting Democracy Now!, the dish will be free until July 31st. Also until July 31st DishNetwork is offering a year’s subscription for $150, and a self-installation kit can be purchased at any Radio Shack or Sears for $60. This is a remarkable opportunity for Public Access cable stations and should be taken advantage of while it remains available. In addition to Democracy Now!, Free Speech TV broadcasts courageous independent documentaries, current events and arts and culture programming 24 hours a day. Take control of the airwaves! Get in touch with the people who run your public access cable station and become a member. Let them know of this unique opportunity and convince them to get the dish. Bring the gift of Democracy Now! to YOUR community! If you have questions or need help, please contact Democracy Now! at (212) 431-9090. Ask for Mark. Or send an e-mail to outreach (at) Don’t delay!



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