If you missed the "debate" between NEIS and the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board at the Sulzer Library in February (for which the Trib failed to show up), never fear!
What? You missed the first showing on CAN-TV too!
Well, we have edited the presentation into a 1/2 hour video titled,
"Yucca Mt.: Exploding the Myths"
This presentation will air again:
Chicago Cable Access CAN-TV
Channel 21
Sunday, June 30, 3:30 p.m.
replays during the week, times to be announced
Please tell your friends about this showing, and get people to watch. Forward this message to those you know who have Chicago Cable Access.
Thanks, stay well!!
--Dave Kraft--
Dave Kraft
(847)869-7650; -7658 fax
P.O. Box 1637
Evanston, IL 60204-1637
neis (at) forward.net">neis (at) forward.net
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