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INS Political Prisoner Ahmed Bensouda freed

Recent University of Illinois graduate and Arab-African activist Ahmed Bensouda was freed from INS imprisonment on Friday, June 10. He was taken from his home in Champaign, IL by the FBI on May 30 and subjected to 2 weeks in solitary confinement in INS facilities. After being threatened with a closed hearing with secret evidence, Ahmed was released on a US$10,000 bond, surprising his family and supporters who had gathered in downtown Chicago for the hearing. More details to follow. (article 2)
Photo captions:

1) supporter from Urbana-Champaign with sign at the doorstep of the Chicago Immigration and Naturalization Service Headquarters at 10 West Jackson Blvd.

2) Chicago-area supporters and banner in front of same.

3) 10 W. Jackson Blvd. INS Headquarters, where Friday's hearing took place.

4) Public entrance of INS Headquarters.

5) Crowd of supporters celebrating after receiving news of Ahmed's pending release; plus a line of bike cops on the scene...why?

6) More police...

7) The Broadview INS Detention Facility (1930 Beach St., Broadview, IL 60153) where Ahmed was taken and released after Friday's hearing downtown. It sits on a cul-de-sac in an industrial neighborhood, far from facilities or public transport. Luckily, Ahmed was met by four car-loads of family and supporters.

8) The front door of Broadview Detention Facility. Nice "N"



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