> Six months in prison. No charges filed. In any other
country we'd call it kidnapping -- or terror. Today in
this country, law enforcement calls it " justice.' Oppose
racial profiling and police terror tactics against
immigrants and people of color!
* Protest! 4 pm, Friday, June 14
* Metropolitan Correctional Center
* 71 W. Van Buren Street (at Clark St)
* 4:20 p.m. SHARP: March to U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald's
June 14 will mark the 6 month anniversary of the
imprisonment -- without criminal charges -- of Muslim
cleric Rabih Haddad. Haddad is one of thousands of Arab
and Muslim men swept up in raids by the federal government
since last fall. Haddad remains imprisoned at Chicago's
Metropolitan Correctional Center " and the feds have also
shut down Global Relief, the charity Haddad cofounded, by
invoking the USA/Patriot Act for the first time in history
to introduce secret "evidence" against the U.S.-based
organization. While U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has
said that neither Haddad nor the charity was the target of
a criminal investigation, Fitzgerald continues to imprison
Haddad, freeze Global Relief's assets, and deny Haddad
And Haddad is not alone. This Wednesday, the government
escalated its attack on civil liberties by expelling the
public from local activist Ahmed Bensouda's immigration
hearing -- as a prelude to introducing "secret evidence."
And local resident Enaam Arnout of the Muslim charity
Benevolence International remains incarcerated at the MCC
on bogus 'perjury' charges that his supporters believe are
punative punishment because Benevolence had the audacity
to sue the federal government for illegally siezing the
charity's assets.
At the same time, Fitzgerald and Cook County States
Attorney Dick Devine have announced that they will NOT
prosecute the cops who killed unarmed Black motorists
LaTonya Haggerty and Robert Russ "because they lack
evidence" to do so. While Fitzgerald postures as an
"opponent of terrorism" by terrorizing people like the
Haddad family he refuses to muster the spine to prosecute
cops who terrorize the Black community. Oppose this
hypocrisy. Join us to protest the six month anniversary of
Haddad's imprisonment and the attacks on the civil rights
of all immigrants and people of color.
Sponsored by the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism.
For more info, call 888-471-0874 or e-mail
CABNStoptheHate (at) aol.com