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Support Madison Hobley

Thursday june 13, 26th & California, be there!
Fellow Death Penalty Opponents:

WHAT: Support Madison Hobley, innocent man on death row
WHEN: Thursday, June 13 - Informational Picket at 8:30AM / Hearing at
9:30AM (courtroom 604)
WHERE: Cook County Courthouse, 26th & California

On Thursday, June 13 help Madison Hobley become the fourteenth innocent man
freed from Illinois' Death Row. Madison is a member of the Death Row 10, a
group of Black men on death row who are torture victims of Jon Burge and
those who worked for him in the Chicago Police Department. NBC news, the
Geraldo Rivera show, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Reader all have
exposed the injustice surrounding Hobley's case.
The prosecution claims Madison used a gas can to start a fire that killed
his wife and child. There were no fingerprints on the gas can, which was
found without fire damage in a building gutted by fire. There is no other
physical evidence linking Madison to the crime.

In May 2000 Hobley won an evidentiary hearing to bring this to light.
Finally, on Thursday, June 13, more than 15 years after Madison's
incarceration, the Judge is expected to rule on Madison's appeal for a new
trial. A strong turnout that day will send the message that we won't accept
anything less.

Call the Campaign to End the Death Penalty at (773)955-4841 for more
information or check out our website at



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