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Southern Baptist Bigots Vow to Press On

Southern Baptists are confronted by progay demonstrators, 5o arrested as bigots vow to continue fight against abortion, pedophilia, and homosexuality. They cite their "biblical responsibility" as preventing them from being inclusive and tolerant, or even nice.

ST. LOUIS (AP) – The head of the Southern Baptists condemned homosexuality from the podium Tuesday as gay rights protesters shouting slogans marched through the convention hall and into the arms of police.
Twelve protesters were arrested inside the hall, and 38 more were taken into custody outside, where riot police stood near the main doorway.
The dozen protesters who infiltrated the annual meeting of the nation's largest Protestant denomination were charged with ethnic intimidation and trespassing.
"Stop killing us! Stop the spiritual violence!" one man shouted as police dragged him behind the curtains at America's Center. A woman from the group Soulforce, which claims Southern Baptist teachings lead to violence against gays, shouted: "God loves his gay children!"
"You need Jesus!" shouted back the Rev. Robert Smith, a pastor from Cedar Bluff, Ala. Others hissed as protesters were led away.
The protesters tried to disrupt Southern Baptist president James Merritt's keynote address to nearly 9,000 delegates and their families.
Merritt took aim at the media and Hollywood, citing surveys that show nearly unanimous acceptance in those groups of homosexuality.
"More and more we're being told sit down, shut up, go along, get along, be inclusive, be tolerant, be nice and be quiet," he said. But Merritt said Southern Baptists have a "biblical responsibility" to preach against such things.
"We now face the fact that there are certain groups that are going to protest us every year," he said. "They have let me know in their correspondence, 'We are not going away.' Well, I've got news for the pornographer, the adulterer, the homosexual, the pedophile, the abortionist: We are not going away either."
The Southern Baptists claim more than 16 million members.
• Editor's Note: Allen G. Breed is the AP's Southeast regional writer, based in Raleigh, N.C.




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