This June 26 you are invited to join a March to the US Embassy starting at 4 p.m. in Ottawa. Join us to protest against the economic, political and military war waged by the US and their allies against the poorest peoples of the world and against the war at home led by our own government.
During the "Take the Capital" Global Days of Action
OTTAWA - JUNE 26 - 4 p.m.
This June 26 you are invited to join a March to the US Embassy starting at 4 p.m. in Ottawa. Join us to protest against the economic, political and military war waged by the US and their allies against the poorest peoples of the world and against the war at home led by our own government.
- This March is organized to coincide with the meeting of the leaders of the 8 wealthiest powers in Kananaskis, Alberta at the G8 Summit, where they plan to be protected from any demonstrations that could expose the growing opposition to their anti-people and repressive policies.
- Led by the US, the G8 have decided to ensure continued poverty, injustice and peoples' oppression through economic, political and military war. In Afghanistan, the Philippines, Irak, Columbia, Nepal and Palestine, the US and its client states are waging offensives under the name of the "war on terror", but their first -- if not only -- targets are the people.
- This March also calls attention to the war at home waged by the imperialist countries, particularly since September 11. This is reflected in the new "anti-terrorist" Bills (C-36, C-42 and now C-55) that attack basic democratic rights and freedoms and give unreasonable power to the Minister of Defence, the army and the police including racist and restrictive rules against immigrants and refugees; the criminalization of the poor and homeless, and attacks on the rights of the Native people.
- This March is in solidarity with the people of Ottawa region to protest against the arrogance of the US Embassy personal, that have imposed -- and despite a protest by the city -- to redirect traffic and to build a useless divider strip for supposed "anti-terrorist" protection of their Embassy.
- This March denounces Jean Chretien's "Initiative for Africa", which is an ultimatum to African countries and their peoples to comply to the demands of the IMF, the World Bank and of the world capitalist economy. The Canadian government is a full participant in the imperialist offensive. We will tell Chretien and his cohorts: you do not and cannot speak in our name!
We plant to reply massively in the streets against the criminal policies of the G8! We must say no to the imperialist wars of agression at home and around the globe. We must make enough noise so they hear us in Kananaskis! Join us for the March on the US Embassy, June 26 at 4 p.m.!
Enough is Enough!
No to Imperialist War Against the Poor!
No to Repression and Oppression!
Support the Peoples' Struggles!
Starting at 4 p.m. sharp, June 26 at MacDonald Park,
cnr Cobourg and Rideau in Ottawa
Organized by the Anti-Imperialist Coordinating Group (AICG) as part of the "Take the Capital" Global Days of Action on June 26-27 in Ottawa. The AICG was formed at the recent Conference against War and Racism held in May 2002 at Concordia University in Montreal.
For more information:
- Anti-Imperialist Coordinating Group:
aicg_cai (at)
- "Take the Capital":
takethecapital (at) -
Transportation from Montreal:
- Anti-Capitalist Convergence:
busottawag8 (at)
- Association pour la defense des droits sociaux du Montreal metropolitain: (514) 252-0788,
adds-mm (at)
- Association ouvriere d'education: (514) 854-4890,
redflag37 (at)