The U.S. Conference of Mayors is where the mayors of the largest cities in the United States get together to be wined & dined, boozed and schmoozed, and eventually completely controlled- by the Mayors Business Council, a corporate lobby group made up of over 70 corporations such as- BechTel, Citigroup, Ford Motors, and others- notorious worldwide for their poor records in regards to social and human rights.
In fact using the Business Councils own words: we have transformed our organization to bring corporate America even closer to the mayors of our nation,
(from )
The result of this has been a steady increase in what the World Bank has been said to call glocalization, basically how to make the neo-liberal, pro-business policies of NAFTA, the WTO closer to towns cities and neighborhoods. I n other words trying to build a more powerful corporate consensus, harming and ignoring our cities while mounting up profits for big business.
According to the Business COUNCIL mayors are: leaders who see themselves as - and indeed are - the CEO's of government whose job it is to run their cities like a successful business with innovations and cost-cutting measures along with wise investments. In Chicago maybe we should read this as cutting costs by closing health clinics on the south-side and privatizing city colleges while wisely investing in giving Boeings corporate HQ tax breaks??
Mayor Daley of Chicago is in fact put on a list of mayors that this corporate lobby says . . . walk every step of the way with their business partners, and is said to have . . .stressed the need for immense partnering with our business community . . .
So why not let Daley and all his Colleagues Know what people who dont make over a million dollars a year think about his pro corporate strategies??
CAR CARAVAN LEAVING ON Friday June 14th at 6:30 PM
Leave from the New World Resource Center bookstore-2600 West Fullerton
culturalj (at) or 773.583.7728