Join forces with other chicagoans in the protests against the US conference of mayors to fight the Daley administration's agenda alongside local activists from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and elsewhere fighting to RECLIAM THIER CITIES
transportation is being organized for the 15&16 of June
for transport and car caravan info please email:
culturalj (at)
Join forces with other chicagoans in the protests against the US conference of mayors to fight the Daley administration's agenda alongside local activists from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and elsewhere fighting to RECLIAM THIER CITIES
transportation is being organized for the 15&16 of June
for transport and car caravan info please email:
culturalj (at)
Less than two weeks are left for the regional protests around the US conference of Mayors, and their corporate lobbying forces. Come join other Chicagoland activists at the protests.
For car caravan info email:
culturalj (at)
There are discussions to make a visibly present "anti-Daley" contingent to protest this administrations policies in Chicago.
Join, welfare-rights activists, family-farmers, indigenous poeples, students, alternative political parties, labor, and others in taking cites back from corporations!
Transport is being organized for the weekend of the 15-16th of June which are the two most important days of the convergence.
Activities include trainings, workshops, and a People's Citeis conference; a critical mass with bikes and family farm tractors, direct actions, and a community parade
For more info, see: