Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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From Chicago to MADISON- transportation to protest the US Conference of Mayors

Less than two weeks are left for the regional protests around the US conference of Mayors, and their corporate lobbying forces. Come join other Chicagoland activists at the protests.
For car caravan info email: culturalj (at)
Less than two weeks are left for the regional protests around the US conference of Mayors, and their corporate lobbying forces. Come join other Chicagoland activists at the protests.
For car caravan info email: culturalj (at)

Though many groups are busy here in Chicago there will most definitely be a Chicago contingent to protest the the unchecked corporate influence in US cities, and for a sort of 'anti-Daley' to let others, including Daley's collegues and corporate buddies, know just what we think of them!



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