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Vietnam Veterans To Address the Endless War on Terrorism at Memorial Day Event

Chicago area members of theVietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) will speak out against "the endless war on terrorism" at their annualMemorial Day event in Chicago.
Where: Just south of State St. and Wacker Dr.
When: Monday, May 27, 11:00 AM
The Vietnam Veterans Against the War Inc, a national organization founded in 1967, was a major force in the anti-war movement that helped bring about an end to United States participation in the Vietnam war.

During the past 35 years, VVAW has fought for better treatment of Vietnam veterans, pushed for recognition of post traumatic stress syndrome, exposed the detrimental effects of agent orange, lobbied for increased veterans benefits, and helped build a school and hospital in Vietnam.

VVAW has also helped educate high school and college students and the general public about the real impact of war, where it is fought, and on the military personnel who we ask to wage war on our behalf.

Speakers at the Chicago Memorial Day event will include:

- Barry Romo, a VVAW national coordinator who lives in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago. Romo, a First Lieutenant and Platoon Leader, was awarded a Bronze Star for Valor for heroism under hostile fire in Vietnam.

- Joe Miller, a former Naval Intelligence petty office during the Vietnam War, and now a VVAW coordinator and contact for Champaign-Urbana. Miller works for the University of Illinois.

- John Poole, a U.S. Army Supply Seargent in Vietnam, recently returned to Vietnam to come to grips with the effects of the war. Poole lives on Chicago's north west side.

The VVAW has a city permit for the Memorial Day gathering whcih usually takes place at the Vietnam Veterans Memorian Fountain at Wabash and Wacker. The fountain has been temporiarly removed due to the Wacker Drive reconstruction project.




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