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Erica Hade, Dolores Withers, Cynthia Rodgriguez; Colombian workers - Labor Expre

What's on Labor Express radio show tonight - Sunday 5/19
WLUW 88.7, 7pm, streamed live at
Labor Express Radio
88.7 FM Chicago
Sunday 7:00 PM ˆ 8:00 PM
Streamed at

1) Labor News from Around the World

2) Presentations at May Day Rally for Charleston Five: including discussion on the Chicago City College privatization efforts and negotiations at the Chicago Park District. Hear Erica Hade from the Illinois Federation of Labor, Dolores Withers of AFT Local 1708, Cynthia Rodriguez of SEIU Local 73.

3) An interview from Labor Radio Hour in Champaign, Illinois on the dangers faced by union workers in Colombia.

For more information: 312-226-3330 or wheimbach (at)

Labor Express is affiliated with IBEW 1220. Views are those of Labor Express, not necessarily IBEW.



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