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At 6:15 p.m. this Sunday on Cable Channel 21 CAN-TV will air a program on this past Monday's PROTEST vs. GEORGE BUSH. Three hundred-fifty people representing more than 36 organizations came out in a unified protest on a work-day morning.
6:15 p.m., this Sunday, May 19
Chicago Access Network Television
Cable Channel 21 in Chicago
This Sunday CAN-TV will air a program on this past Monday's PROTEST vs. GEORGE BUSH. Three hundred-fifty people representing more than 36 organizations came out in a unified protest on a work-day morning under the themes of
"No More War Abroad!"
+ Free Palestine
+ No U.S. invasion of Iraq
+ U.S. out of Vieques, Colombia & the Philippines
"Stop the war at home!"
+ Stop the attacks on civil liberties
+ Amnesty for immigrants
+ Stop racial profiling