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Chicago Indymedia

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Democracy Festival comes to Chicago

The Rolling Thunder Down-Home Democracy Festival, featuring heroes of word, deed and music such as Erykah Badu, Jim Hightower, Patch Adams, spoken word performance impresarios Kuumba Lynx, the soon-to-be-famous UNITE gospel choir and many many others, is coming to Chicago to raise the rafters and some hell and we think you should join us.
Yo unionizers and wage earners, hipsters and farmers,
activists and artists, stargazers and soccer moms,
high-schoolers and life scholars, welders and
body-builders, and all the rest of you…. mark your
calendars now for a festival of democracy coming to
Chicago June 15th that you won’t wanna miss.

The Rolling Thunder Down-Home Democracy Festival(RTD2)
(www.rollingthundertour.rg), featuring heroes of word,
deed and music such as Erykah Badu, Jim Hightower, Patch Adams, spoken word performance impresarios Kuumba Lynx, the soon-to-be-famous UNITE gospel choir and many many others, is coming to Chicago to raise the rafters and some hell and we think you should join us.

The day-long festival will not only showcase the
considerable talents noted above, but will have
hard-hitting workshops on issues ranging from
genetically modified food to youth decriminalization
along with hands-on trainings about how to mobilize a
grassroots campaign, how to access and use the media
and many other power-building activities.

There’ll be free organic pepper jack grilled cheese
sandwiches from the Organic Valley Magic Farm Friends
bus, carnival games like Dunk-A-Lobbyist, free Ben and
Jerry’s ice cream, a Hellraiser’s Tent for writing to
elected officials and corporate schmucks, a vision
quest by Patch Adams, a solar-powered sound stage
supplied by Greenpeace, and more.

This is no froo froo festival, we’re serious about our
fun and we’re serious about making a difference in the

We’re also serious about needing your help to make
this event a success – we need all y’all to volunteer
some time to help create and post flyers, call media
contacts, alert your lists (BY FORWARDING THIS EMAIL),
phone bank, do graphic design, submit a proposal to do
a workshop, sell tickets, etc.

So get your behinds to THE BIG OLE VOLUNTEER MEETING –
Thursday May 16th – 7pm (there’ll be pizza……) at the
headquarters of UNITE at 333 S. Ashland at the
Eisenhower Expressway. Forward this to all your
friends, acquaintances and even those people you don’t
really like but have their email addresses anyway.

THEN, get your behinds
to Union Park, Saturday June
15th and be ready to agitate your booty and your mind.

See you on the 16th.

For more information see
and call or email Darci Andresen: 312-738-6123,
darci (at) If you'd like to
volunteer but can't make the meeting, please contact
Lily at 312-738-6143, education16 (at)



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