Protest George Bush! Stop the War Abroad and at Home!
Free Palestine! No U.S. invasion of Iraq! Stop US intervention in Colombia and the Philippines! U.S. out of Vieques! Stop the attacks on civil liberties! Amnesty for immigrants! Stop racial profiling!
When: Monday, May 13th, 11:00 AM
Where: Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers, 301 E. North Water St.
(The Sheraton is located at the corner of North Water Street and Columbus Drive, just north of the Chicago River.)
For PDF flyer, click here
To co-sponsor the protest or for more information, please call (888) 471-0874, or e-mail CABNstopthehate (at)
Current co-sponsors (list in formation): Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism, Brown Star Records,, Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Centro Sin Fronteras, Chicago Anti-Bashing Network, Chicago Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, Chicago Islamic Center, Chicago Socialist Action, Chicago Palestine Solidarity Network, Christian Council on Urban Affairs, Church of the Open Door, Columbia College on the Ground, Committee for a Democratic Palestine, DePaul Students Against the War, 8th Day Center for Justice, Free Palestine Alliance, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Granada Muslims and Jews for Human Rights, International Action Center-Chicago, International Socialist Organization, Islamic Association for Palestine, La Voz de los de Abajo, Latino Union of Chicago, National Boricua Human Rights Network, Neighbors for Peace, Palestine Aid Society, Palestinian American Council, Palestine Solidarity Group, Philippine Solidarity Committee, Prairie Fire Organizing Committee, Refuse & Resist, Revolutionary Communist Party-Chicago branch, Workers World Party-Chicago,, Youth for Social Action.
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