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Bari v FBI-Plaintiffs Rest Their Case; The Late Judi Bari’s Heartwrenching Testi

OAKLAND, CA—Yesterday, Wednesday, May 8, the Plaintiffs rested their case after testimony by their final two witnesses and the videotaped deposition of Judi Bari, and a videotape of television news coverage was entered into evidence.
Judi Bari vs. FBI

May 9, 2002

Plaintiffs Rest Their Case
The Late Judi Bari’s Heartwrenching Testimony by Video
Jury Hears: 20% of FBI Case Files Missing

For information, photos, art:

CONTACT: Jean Eisenhower, Steve Christianson at 510/663-6330

OAKLAND, CA—Yesterday, Wednesday, May 8, the Plaintiffs rested their case after testimony by their final two witnesses and the videotaped deposition of Judi Bari, and a videotape of television news coverage was entered into evidence.

Judi’s deposition brought tears to the eyes of many in the audience and the jury box. It concluded with a radiant smile from Judi when she learned that the FBI and OPD attorneys, who’d sought to delay her testimony for years despite calling her their prime suspect, declined to ask her any questions at all.

William Simpich, the attorney who filed the original lawsuit, took the stand a second time to give testimony about missing FBI documents and unexplained renumbering of documents that indicated that 57 documents from the original total 260 documents in this investigation seem to be missing. Defendant attorneys declined to cross-examine him.

George Shook, banjo player who performed with Judi and Darryl and traveled with Darryl during the seven days prior to the bombing, testified that even though he was taken into custody (and held for five hours), he was never asked any questions by either the FBI or OPD.

Today, defendants will continue bringing their witnesses, who are expected to include: the completion of testimony by FBI Special Agent Timothy McKinley, the first FBI agent on the scene; Joel Levin, Assistant US Attorney who the FBI claimed they were in touch with regarding probable cause and who advised them there was none yet; Jeannette Brown, FBI “questioned documents” examiner; Paul Price, Senior Scientist with Air Force Safety Center in Albuquerque and expert witness on bombing, whose report was previously thrown out by the judge for failing to pass the “reliable science” test; and Sandra Figloni, FBI Administrative Supervisor responsible for filing procedures.

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Poster's note: Attorney Dennis Cunningham(lead attorney in Bari v. FBI) represented Fred Hampton's family in his legal proceedings in the early 1970's, against the Chicago PD and FBI for murdering Mr. Hampton during the height of COINTELPRO. The People's Law Office is still in existence in 2002, and is doing great work in Chicago keeping the police in check.



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