Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Edgardo Lander, professor of sociology at the Central University of Venezuela.
Possible White House Role in Attempt to Overthrow President Hugo Chavez Goes Unreported in Venezuelan Media
Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris
A coalition of conservative Venezuelan businessmen and sectors of the armed forces failed in their April 11 attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government of President Hugo Chavez. The 48-hour coup was quickly reversed by both a popular uprising and a mutiny by members of the military still loyal to Chavez. But the Bush administration's initial friendly reaction to the coup has fueled speculation that Washington had a hand in planning the coup -- owing to the CIA's well-documented history of undermining or overthrowing democracies in Latin America and around the world.
Since Chavez was restored to power, the U.S. press has published several stories that detail the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were funneled to the coup plotters by the Congressionally funded National Endowment for Democracy and the international arm of the AFL-CIO in the months before their grab for power. Other stories allege that the U.S. Navy may have provided signals intelligence to key members of the Venezuelan military involved in the overthrow attempt.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Edgardo Lander, professor of sociology at the Central University of Venezuela, who reports from Caracas on the Venezuelan media's coverage of the coup attempt and the speculation that the U.S. was complicit in the affair(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found at
Related links:
"American Navy Helped Venezuelan 'Coup'"by Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, April 29, 2002 ...
"Alleged Coup Leaders Land in South Florida," by David Adams, St. Petersburg Times, April 24, 2002
"The CIA and the Venezuelan Coup: Hugo Chavez, a Servant Not Knowing His Place"by William Blum, Counterpunch,, April 14, 2002
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