We could use some good news.. and we've got some. Since a Special Prosecutor has been appointed to investigate the heinous States Atty and torturous cops.. it's time to BREATHE AND BUILD!
To: Friends for Justice
I know everyone knows that a Special Prosecutor was appointed last week to investigate numerous allegations of "torture, perjury, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and other offenses by police officers under the command of Jon Burge at Area 2 and later 3
headquarters in the city of Chicago during the period from 1973 to the present."
We're are so excited, encouraged and pleased that we decided to celebrate, because this represents a victory!!
When: This Friday, May 3, 2002
Time: 4-6pm
Where: The Hot House--69 East Balboa (Wabash and Balboa)
Sponsored by: The Campaign to Prosecute Police Torture
This is only the beginning of what we can do when we work together- Let's celebrate together!!
See you Friday!
Contact Lydia Taylor
lydia (at) jcua.org
(used her email w/out permission, but I know she won't mind.)